Sunday 2 February 2014

Project Atoll Update 6: Beer with Friends and Tea with a View

So anyone else feel like February has just flown right in and January has just disappeared? Not really sure where January went but it's gone, without even a note to say goodbye! Typical! Oh well, can't do too much about time (yet – Evil Genius Ed), so may as well continue with my entry!

It's been a very busy few weeks, with lots of partner visits and as such, I don't have too much to write about, unless you want to read about partner policies and quality assurance meetings? No? Didn't think so. As such, I feel like it is now a great time for a Project Atoll – Those Paths We Walk update as it has been almost 4 months since the last one! Before we get to that though, I do have one incident to share that happened when I was showing a university partner to some Nepal sites.

On that day, we had decided to travel to Nagarkot, an area atop a hill with a great view of the surrounding countryside, as it is actually out the city.  Now, we arrived at the place and had a nice look around, I climbed to the top of a viewing tower (climbing a ladder in a suit - classy) and we had a nice time. But that wasn't the fascinating bit...though it was fun as I hadn't been there yet.

No, it was what came next that will stick in my head for a long time. As we started to drive back, it was decided that we would grab a quick drink before heading down the hill. We turned into a large open grass area atop the hill and went to the small building there and ordered some coffees and drank them overlooking the view below. Now then, that was amazing in itself but what really caught my attention was that we were given pristine white cups and saucers to drink from. Here we are, on the top of a large hill, next to a cafe that was little more than a stand and we're drinking from pristine cups and saucers. Not sure if I've ever felt so classy (or British) in my life. Astounding.

So onto 'Those Paths We Walk' and it has been developing nicely! I've been concentrating on script writing mostly but I also have begun to taking notes for future amendments as well. As of now, I am on page 120 of the project (44 pages of script: the rest are character details and scene outlines), all the major characters (bar one) have now been introduced and I'm just about to finish scene 8: the scene where Rinoa and Curtis first meet and realise that they are living next door to each other.

Now, this is an important scene as not only does it introduce these two characters to each other but it also begins to hint at issues or problems for these characters that may arise in the future. It really lays out the future of where the story will go.

Being a scene where the two are just sitting around talking with a few beers, it's a challenge to ensure that the flow of conversation is correct. It can't be too deep and profound, as they've just met but at the same time, it has to be relevant and interesting, to keep your attention. What I usually do for scenes full of dialogue such as this, is imagine my friends and I in the character roles and think about what we would say in the same situation. Here's hoping that this works well.

Before I finish, I want to reveal one aspect of the story that this scene relates to. If you've been following my updates, you will know that Rinoa is in a band. However, it turns out the their band is an instrumental band and that they are now looking for a vocalist to join them (I won't reveal the reasons). One part of this scene actually examines the possibility of Curtis joining the band. Will he? Guess you'll need to watch it to find out!

Pick of the Week

Bamboo Steamer – Healthy eating is everywhere these days and getting a bamboo steamer is a great start. Boil some water, chop up some vegetables, add them to the steamer and leave until cooked. Simple! And don't worry about the taste either: steamed vegetables are great when done well and you can add different flavours by adding ingredients to the water or vegetables, or you can make a dip or sauce as well! Plus it isn't just vegetables.  You can cook meat, fruit and dumplings as well!  Hell, I've even seen a recipe for a bread roll.  Get one today and add a new cooking method to your repertoire. Great flavour and healthy won't regret it!

Music of the Week

This week, I'm going for the opening of a new anime I've started, 'Kids on the Slope'. I'll talk about it next week but the song really caught my attention.  I don't know why but the song really gets to me and I'd love for you all to listen to it.

Well, it's a short entry this week but it did what I wanted it to! So, I'll see you next week with a longer entry!

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