So, I haven’t updated in a few days and I don’t think this one will be a massive post either as I am somewhat hungry. Today has marked the day where everything is right in the universe again, for me at least. For those keeping track of my rants (on both Facebook and this...I rant a lot. In fact, I enjoy nothing more than a rant. I should probably get into religion, find a wooden box and start shouting at people in the street), everything has finally been sorted.
(1)My laptop problem with Group On has been sorted, the money will be refunded shortly and I can get another one. Who would have thought letting me talk to a manager would get things sorted? Thank you Katie very much for doing in 5 minutes what the rest of your entire team couldn’t do in 5 days.
(2)My Ebay purchase finally got refunded after the seller did not send me my item and did not reply to two of my emails I sent him. As this has been sorted, I will not go into a major rant or be spiteful or anything but I am not above wishing that the Ebay seller will get rickrolled on a daily basis.
(3) For my job in Nepal, I finally got some sort of feedback and confirmed that I will be leaving in October and will be doing my training in Nepal. I have also started my visa application which pleases me further.
In more news, I had a thoroughly enjoyable night with Derek, Michael and Cara on Saturday eating good food and drinking nice wine. This was sort of a goodbye shindig as I am leaving for Nepal and Derek is leaving for Newcastle (and Michael and Cara are also moving away but I do believe this is later in the future). However, this wine drinking led to poor old me being incredibly hung over on the Sunday. So I would like to thank all three for being thoroughly lovely to me and indulged my self-pitying, ‘I’m going to die’ attitude as I lay whimpering on the couch like a freakishly hairy baby. Also a special thanks to Michael and Cara for nursing me with tea, bacon and Lucozade Sport. I love all three of you very much and Sunday just reconfirmed this! (Holy shit, Word has emoticons! MIND BLOWN!!!). I do admit though, the hangover did earn me an evening of vegging out and watching the Big Bang Theory (and the afternoon)!
Anyways, time for my links and such.
Kiva - Today I am doing a good turn! Kiva is a website where you loan $25 (I can't be bothered converting the currency. Fine, I felt guilty: £15.81) to someone around the world to help them start up a business. This then lets them become self-reliant rather than relying on charity and once they earn it back, you get your money and can then loan it again!
The video for the day, I think, has to go to MC Lars! A great and amusing artist but who often highlights other, more serious problems.
The end of yet another too long blog looms. However, I would like to finish with possible directions for this blog. I'm not exactly trying to break it and make it as a blogger (though that would be a bonus) but I don't want it to become stale either. So, I have two main thoughts for directions. The first is a podcast. I'll be the first to admit I haven't much to talk about but it could be fun. More so if I can convince my friends to join me! The other thing is interviews. By profession, I am a researcher, and one of my favourite methods of this is interviews. So I was thinking about talking to some of my friends about certain things. If it helps, the people I know are more interesting than I am. So, if any readers have thoughts or comments on these two ideas or have any more suggestions (other than stop blogging and get out into some sunshine) let me know on facebook or on here!
Once again, thanks for reading and I promise that I will try to get more interesting or amusing topics. For putting up with me today, an added bonus of a picture a beaver. Speak later!
Oh yes, the title joke. Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip? To get to the same side (stolen from The Big Bang Program)
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