Ok, between watching ‘Unknown’ (part of my accidental Liam Nesson-athon) and getting a glass of cider, I decided to right another short blog. Hopefully, I will actually achieve short, as opposed to my usual attempts, which lands somewhere north of short, in ‘Toolongville’. What is new? I passed my driving test! Finally! After about 7 years of being a learner (though I wasn’t practicing all this time), I finally did it. The same as my mum, dad and sister, I passed on the second time, which means I will continue the tradition of telling my future children (insert unknown illegitimate child joke here) that the best drivers pass second time. I haven’t actually drove on my own yet sadly (thankfully depending who you ask) so still have that honour to come. Though it does mean I am one step closer to becoming a grown up, which lets face it, I pretty much am but hey, the internet is full of self-denial.
Anyway, personal accomplishment aside, onto my fourth and final point! This is by far the most difficult to achieve and will need, at the very least, an Olympian effort. That’s right. I’m talking about the date with Ellen Page.
*Pause for collective gasp*
I know, I know, I’m somewhat delusional. However, the reasons why? Firstly, the most obvious, I find her attractive. I mean, that is a given. I’m hardly going to want a date with somebody that I’m not attracted to, either physically or mentally(?). Secondly, I like her style of acting (which is partly why I specified date, as opposed to anything else). Finally, she is short. Like me. Strange I know but it can be quite intimidating to try and date taller people (at least for me). I mean, this obviously reflects something about me but quite often, I have felt like I have been overlooked by my height (maybe I was behind a step or something). It may sound stupid but hey, it is my blog and my beliefs. I have dated someone who was much taller than I and it was fine, though I keep reading or hearing or seeing that women are looking for someone taller. This poses a problem as I am somewhat short, kind of eliminating me from numerous lists! Again, it is slightly stupid and I know, in the end it is what is inside that counts but we all have our foibles right? That and good things come in small packages (please insert own double entendre).
So, enough about me and my ramblings. Time of links!
PHD Comics - Another web comic, with thanks to my friend and fellow blogger, Ulla. The comic examines the day to day lives of a group of grad students. Hilarious and freakishly accurate (for me anyways), it is well worth a read! .
Hmm who to link for the song of the day? Another personal favourite, Clutch. An unique band which I discovered when watching an old music video I got free with a magazine and I have loved them ever since. The song is Ghost, more mellow song from their repertoire. Ignore the video.
Well then, enough from me. So night except to say, has there been a film where Liam Neeson hasn't kicked someone's ass?
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