Tuesday, 20 September 2011

An Amusing Title to Break the Ice

Ok, so it is time for an update.  Originally, I had no real idea what to talk about (read as ramble) but then it hit me!  Lots of things!  Well, three.  Ok, three and a half.  As we have a lot to get through today class, let’s begin.  With that segway, comes the first topic!  My TEFL course or its full name:  My 20 hour in the same warm room, drinking too much coffee and periodically pretending to be a non-English speaking child TEFL practical course.  To be honest, it was pretty good and I enjoyed it!  Mostly, it was useful because it helped show practical skills related to teaching English that online course can’t convey.  However, this leads me to topic 1.5.
So, once again, I have stared into the deepest depth of hell and had to suffer one of the worst fates that could possibly befall me.  The ICEBREAKING ACTIVITY.  Even typing the name (and narrating it in my head) gives me shivers up my spine.  I loathe icebreaking activities and I am not quite sure why.  They just bug me and I cannot stand them.   They are the kryptonite to my superman (I am watching Smallville); the empire to my rebel (I’m a geek); the Bieber to my proper music (cheap shots for the win!  After all, it is the internet).  The odd thing is that I understand and approve of their usage.  I mean, who wants to sit around groups being awkward?  They help bring together work groups and improve team work.  I just don’t like them.  Isn’t enough ice melting due to climate change without us breaking more?  Ok, bad joke but I felt the need to through at least one in. 
Moving on from odd pet peeves and bad jokes, comes my second topic!  Which I just forgot.  Moving onto my third topic (for now).  I started watching Smallville again.  I say again but I never followed it majorly and only watched a few episodes from the first season so most of it is new.  Anyway, I have to say, it is really good.  Once you get past all the high school drama, it seems to be quite solidly building up the character of superman nicely, partly due to drip feeding his skills but also due to well built out characters.  However, its biggest plus (on a superficial level anyway) is the music.  Rarely does a tv series get music so well matched to the mood and story.  It just meshes very well and allows me to listen to Weezer and other oldish classics as well.  I like this.
Time for my links!    

Two more of my blogging friends (and real life friends).  Both are quite different in their approach but both are well written, entertaining and exponentially better than mine!

Never Enough Tea - A fairly new but well written blog detailing the thoughts, memories and life of one of my dearest friends (and one of the three mentioned previously who saved me from my hangover).  I would recommend following, especially if you are aware of the name Wil Wheaton.  Check it out!

So I wrote - A blog from one of three of my friends who shares the same birthday as I.  It follows the ups and downs of her life in Sweden.  Worth a read, so flick over there and read it!

For my song of the day, I travel to the small island of Japan to introduce 'Head Phone President' with the sing 'Groan and Smile'.

Right, I have probably typed enough for today.  So, if you can excuse me, I need to go get way too emotionally attached to the characters in Smallville and also finish The Big Bang Theory (I am already emotionally attached here).

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