Friday, 13 July 2012

Ten Items or Less: The First Level

Ladies and gentlemen, there are no jokes this week, no funny superhero anecdotes.  Tonight is the start of something new for my blog.  I hope you like it because I love it... and it truly gives me the greatest pleasure to announce the newest addition to my blog:

Ten Items or Less

This newest addition is an interview section where I send ten questions (or less) via email to people who have created something/s that I enjoy.  The idea came to me as I realised that I was constantly talking about music or games or films etc that I really enjoyed and I thought: why not ask them about the things that I enjoy?  So, I put some thought into it and started to send out some feelers and lo and behold, my first interview!  Hopefully, the first of many!  No more delay, so let me introduce my first interviewee:

Random aka Megaran

For those who don’t know, Random is a former teacher cum rapper and the creator of one of my favourite albums: Black Materia: Final Fantasy 7.  Black Materia is a rap album that follows the story of Final Fantasy 7, one of my all-time favourite computer games and is an innovative approach to creating an album, and an innovative tribute from a fan.  On top of this, he has created nes tribute albums; video game soundtracks; and has featured in various magazines such as Nintendo Power, Wired Magazine and many more.  Random has kindly took the time to answer the questions I sent him and I have added the interview below in its entirety.  I have also added various links of his for your information at the bottom as well. However, enough from me.  It’s time for the first ten…

Thanks for the good questions!

  1. You often hear about rap and you often hear about video games but you rarely hear about them together. What made you decide to create videogame-themed music and rap?

    I don't know really, it's a funny story. I was making hip-hop, and playing video games when I didn't make hip hop, and at some point, the idea came to combine them. Most of my friends played games and read comics, but it came to me like a flash; why not put them together? I loved Mega Man, the music was amazing, so we decided to sample it.  Then, Mega Ran was born. Peanut Butter and Jelly..a natural combination.


  2. How did you ever discover that you could rap?

    I remember it well, in 1993 or 1994....well may, being caught up in the rush of so many great hip hop albums by Wu-Tang, A Tribe Called Quest, Gang Starr, Snoop Dogg and more, my friends and I got together and tried to write a rap verse. Mine was terrible, but all that did was inspire me to make more and more rap tracks. I'd like to think I've gotten a bit better (laughs). 

  3. I saw online that your albums are actually being used for coursework at Penn State University amongst other places. Is this true and if so, how did it come about?

    That was actually thanks to the brilliance of my former label, RAHM Nation. A lot of those guys there were big into the educational aspect of hip-hop, even way before I was, and they had great relationships with universities from Temple, Virginia Tech Miami and many more schools. Nowadays I've been more cognisant of the link of hip hop and education, and that's where the influence for “Language Arts” came from.

  4. You used to be a teacher, do you ever think about going back?

    I think about it, but honestly, I'm happier than I've ever imagined I could be making music. I loved teaching, and I still do, and I believe it's still the most rewarding career anyone could have. But after 6 years of being an educator, I was definitely ready for a change and I'm embracing this new lifestyle. It's made me a lot more self reliant and more aware of the world, in a strange way. I won't rule out going back, but I've probably said some things on records since then that'll make that difficult, ha.

  5. Black Materia is one of my favourite albums and it appears to be made by some true fans. Do you intend to make any more Final Fantasy themed albums?

    Thank you! Mystic Quest is next (laughs) no I'm totally kidding. I'm very proud of the record and how it came out. Lost Perception did amazing things with the already beautiful soundtrack and I'm just honored that over a year from its release, it still remains one of my most popular releases. It just goes to show that Final Fantasy 7 captured a generation and hasn't let go, 15 years later. I don't know about any more Final Fantasy albums, but my partner K-Murdock made a FF6 tribute album called “Hero Muzik,” make sure you check that out!

  6. How difficult did you find it writing the Black Materia album? Was it easy because all the story had already been created or was it more difficult due to pressure from the cult following?

    It was pretty difficult at first, but it got easier. The story was laid out already and all I had to do was follow it... but I realized that as a rapper and storyteller, it wouldn't be right if I didn't put my own creative spins on some of the angles, or add some elements of poetry that I'd learned and taught for so many years. “The frame rate is mad spotty like a PS1/Story kinda cloudy sorta like my namesake.”

    I felt the pressure no doubt, and that pressure almost made me take one of my favorite songs from the
    record, “Cry of the Planet.” It's a very real song, but it doesn't involve the FF7 storyline at all, so it was something I was apprehensive about, but since I loved the song and what it said, I had to keep it. 

  7. If you could write an album about any video game (that you haven’t already), which game would you choose and why?

    I almost don't want to tell you, because everything that I ever think about doing winds up getting done. I can't tell you how many people have told me “I was about to make a FF7 album” after Black Materia came out. I'll say that I really love the Zelda games, I love (apologies, this was where it cut off in my email - Ed)

  8. You’re currently working on the Language Art Volumes. What was your inspiration for the albums? Did any artists influence you at all?

    My inspiration was mostly my own life and all the things I had experience as an educator. I'd seen so much in school that I always figured I should write a book. So I am working on a book, hopefully for next year, but I make music, so I had to make it a music project. As a huge video game player, comic book reader and fan, I just thought the next logical step in my journey was to step out and create my own projects. I met some amazing artists and game developers, and they were willing to help out, and I was so appreciative. I had a vision of myself being almost like a Daredevil-type character, who worked a regular job helping people, but also fought evil at night. Check out the comic at and the video game at

  9. What’s been the greatest moment of your career?

    Wow, they just keep getting added. 5 years ago it was putting an album in a store. 4 years ago it was being licensed by Capcom. 3 years ago it was my first tour. 2 years ago it was cracking the top 10 on iTunes and Amazon. Last year it was traveling to Europe and Japan to perform, and this year it's been getting music played on ESPN, doing Warped Tour. So needless to say, I think the greatest moment is yet to come.

  10. Any words of wisdom for aspiring rap artist?

    This is gonna sound cheesy, but don't give up..well, unless 70 people tell you to...then reevaluate everything. Don't let people tell you what you can and can't do. Try your best to stand out! Always give 100% and ask for and accept HONEST feedback! Always work on your craft and realize that if you're not making moves, you're standing still... keep moving! Thanks for the interview!

Before I give his links, I'd like to thank Random from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to answer my questions and for giving me the opportunity to start the next evolution of my blog.  I wish you the best in your career and I know that you will go from strength to strength!  To my readers, please check our his music below and tell your friends about him as well!  Word of mouth is an amazing advertising tool as well.  His links are below:


                                                                                                                                                 Cry of the Planet  
First Day of School
Thanks for reading!

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