Monday, 23 July 2012

New delicious low! Sausages!

First of all, I would like to thank Tim Sullivan very much for the interview and for also posting my blog link on his page as well.  It was a great interview and hugely nice of him to post the link to his page, so thank you! 

*EDIT - to the person who left me the Spiderman picture, thank you!  I tried to comment but it didn't let me.  Are you in Nepal or left?*

Moving on, the following sentences are spoiler free: So, I went to see The Dark Knight Rises and it was glorious.  Epic. And that’s all I’m going to say about it.  I will talk about it in more details but not this week to avoid spoiling the film for anybody who hasn’t seen it yet.

Ok, so this week I feel the need to talk about food.  Yup, food.  Now, I know that with Instagram and facebook and all the different social media outlets on the net, people’s dinners and breakfasts and baking are everywhere.  And let’s face it, nobody really gives a damn.  Also, I know I’ve posted about food and baking etc, but at least I’m honest that nobody really cares plus I’ve tried to limit it somewhat.  Now then, what am I going to talk about?  All the new food I’ve tried recently?  Not even close.  Perhaps the pros and cons of changing your diet to suit a new country?  Next week.  Food poisoning?  God, not again!  Then what?  SAUSAGE.

Why?  Because I had a giant sausage last night.  I will give you all a moment to get your minds out of the gutter before I continue.


Ok, so moving on.  I first saw this pork sausage at the market and I knew I had to buy it.  It screamed succulent.  It screamed ‘you’ve never had bigger’ (Seems somebody is still in the gutter - Ed).  So I bought it (and some others) to eat but it wasn’t enough.  I had to share this monstrosity.  Now, before I share my pictures, I realise that perhaps it isn’t as big as I thought or perhaps there are bigger sausages out there.  Maybe I’m just so small that all sausages look huge to me. I don’t know but I thought it was blog worthy damn it, so I’m going to show the pictures.  

I should note it has been very difficult not to make various innuendos… I think I deserve a medal seeing as I never got one for my perfect cereal.  Also, it should be noted that this sausage-fest (couldn’t resist, could you? - Ed) is totally NOT to cover up the fact I’ve been really busy and haven’t had much time to think of stuff to write this week.  Honestly.  Probably.

So, the pictures:

Doesn't look like much, does it?

Then suddenly a wild hand's huge!

Insert caption competition?  If I painted it black, I could go all thief on you

Ok, so now that I’ve quite possibly committed blog suicide, time for the picks of the week!

Pick of the week

Martial Arts – Ok, it’s a bit of a cop out this week but I actually had such trouble deciding on a pick of the week which wasn’t anime, a video game or hadn’t been done before.  However, I still stand by my decision and I would recommend that you at least try a form of martial arts once.  Not only do you learn something whilst getting fit, you could easily be learning something that is hundreds of years old and has been passed down generations. Take Jui-Jitsu - originated in the 16th century.  Wing Chun, the 17th century and Muay Thai from around the 19th century or even earlier.  What’s more is that each Martial art has its own miniature cultures with their own rituals, history and rules that you will quickly learn. 

As noted in other blogs, I have tried (for more than a couple of lessons) Muay Thai, Karate, Jui-Jitsu and Taekwondo and I have loved each, though they have all had their differences.  This is another reason to try because there is something for everybody:


Wanting something that can relax your body and Mind?  Tai Chi will do that for you!  Want something fast and powerful that will work on your cardio and strength?  Taekwondo and Muay Thai will give a helping hand!  Want something that will protect you on your way home?  Aikido will make sure you’re safe.  This is just an incredibly short list of examples…you could try: Wing Chun, Kendo, Wushu, Capoeira, Judo, Sambo, Savate etc etc etc.  The list goes on.

As well as learning something that could save your life one day (but should never be used offensively), you’ll learn a huge variety of stretches, strength-building exercises, cardio exercises and breathing techniques, and for me at least, it’s a more interesting way of exercising that the gym.  What have you got to lose?  I’ve added some clips of different martial arts below, just to show some examples of variety. 

Wing Chun
Music of the week 
This, unlike my pick of the week, is easy.  Hopskin - Ill Mind of Hopskin 5.  Enjoy!
Ok, so bit of an odd one I have to admit and most likely a sub-par post...but fear not!  I have already got my post for next week planned.  It came to me today, just a day late!  Oh well...hopefully I'll still have readers!  Bye!

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