Sunday, 16 February 2014

New Directions

Over the past year or so, I’ve watched my friends and family move forward with their lives, whether it is professional or social. Every week or so, I’ve seen someone else take a step-closer to their goals in their lives and I’ve started to think about how great it is for them to do this and how much better their lives should be because of it. I’ve known some of the sacrifices people have had to make and risks they’ve had to take to get to where they want to be and it’s great to see it work out for them.

As such, I decided it was about this time that I put some effort in and try and take a step closer to some of my goals: starting with this blog. I’ve decided that I’m going to use the entry this week to talk about the direction of One-way Ticket over the next year, partly so my regulars know what will be happening in the future and partly so I’m accountable for my actions as well. Over the course of the year, I plan on three major changes to my blog, which are listed below.

  1. A brand spanking new websiteOnce again, I’m going to delve into the world of web pages and try to design a nice new One-way Ticket website (or at the very least, a wordpress website). If that fails, I may pay to have one designed. Why do I want a new site designed? For sections! Sweet, sweet sections. This actually partly relates to point 2 but I want to be able to split my posts into different categories, each with their own section for easy browsing. For example, Projoct Atoll will have a section and travel will have a section. This leads nicely into point 2 which is…

  2. Better content!
    It’s one of my New Year resolutions and it must be stuck to or I’ll be struck by lightning or break a mirror or something! On a serious note, I plan to improve the content and start adding more items during the week, as opposed to only having one post. Not necessarily every week (I do have a full-time job people) but I want to start adding some of my holidays plans/schedules to the website (more on this soon) and I would also like to add some of the recipes I use each week (to share the joy of cooking). Not only this but I want to start spending more time on the quality of the posts e.g. planning a little bit better and spending more time proof-reading (in the perhaps vain attempt to make your reading a little more bearable). Time to start reading my new Travel Writing guide then! And yes, I realise that another list doesn’t exactly strengthen my argument but it is a necessary evil.

  3. MarketingOh yes, I fully plan to throw myself into this dirty little web to help ensure One-way Ticket attracts even more readers! Of course, I need to plan this a little bit and I want to do it creatively rather than just throw my money at the problem, but either way: a marketing campaign shall be created. Watch this space!

So why do this for a blog that isn’t that bad, to be honest and stills get an okay amount of views (for what it is). Well, that’s because my purpose for the blog is going to change slightly and these are all small steps towards a goal of mine: a functioning and successful travel website, as opposed to just a blog. Oho, a plot twist!

You see, the seeds for this were planted several years ago, just before I travelled to Hong Kong with my family. As I was on holiday and didn’t have much else to do, I hand-wrote a guide that summed up all the various guidebooks and travel website information into one handy and portable notebook, as well as showed key pieces of information. And I enjoyed it! Since then, I’ve always planned out my holidays and enjoyed it. Whilst it took a long time, it was incredibly useful to know and it occurred to me that others may find this useful as well, especially for those who may not have the time to fully plan. The website would have three main points:

  1. It will provide advice on places to visit and eat. Yes, this is cliché and there are many like it but this one is mine (name that quote people!). However, I honestly don‘t believe that a travel site could exist without it. Plus, whilst I would allow feedback from tourists, I would look for local input as well, to help get more local restaurants and locations mentioned (rather than just ones that tourists are brave enough to enter). I really believe that if you travel to another country, that you should try and experience the local lifestyle, even just a little. Plus, this would not be the main focus of the website, it would be a resource.

  2. No, the real focus would be itinerary planning. For a small fee, we would plan out your itinerary for you, based on the holiday you want! If you wanted great beaches in Thailand, we would give you the best travel route of beaches in Thailand and how to get to them. Want a tour of Japan’s top wooden castles? No problem. You give us the length of trip, information about the trip (e.g. any places you want to see, if you want to eat local etc) plus average budget and we’ll give you a detailed itinerary that provides you with places to visit and eat (based on your suggestions), sorted by ease of travel (i.e. we will make sure not to book visits to locations hundreds of miles away). Also, we’ll provide useful information such as up-to-date ticket prices and how to get there with different transport. The best bit? It’s still your holiday! You’re not paying hundreds (if not thousands) of pounds to be told you’re only allowed an hour here or that you must go there. Ours is a guide not a contract and if you want to take a detour, great! In fact, let us know and we will update our records!

  3. Finally, and in the long-term, I would aim to start providing local guides for tourists at an affordable price as well, to give advice and provide some insight. Again, not somebody who charges you an absolute fortune just to tell you minimal information and then tell you when you need to leave. They would be there to help you and make sure your trip is the best yet!

So there we go, I’ve laid bare my upcoming plans for the next year and for the future as well! Let me know what you think, as all advice is welcome! Ooft, kind of text heavy this week!

Pick of the Week

Le Petite Patisserie - Local business time (though not local for me)!  If you're in Ayr and if you're hungry (hell, even if you're not), then make sure to drop by Le Petite Patisserie!  Found at the Cow Wynd, this bakery has some of the best looking cakes I have ever seen!  If your mouth isn't watering when you view them, I'm pretty sure I can legally pronounce you dead.  The diet can start...well, after a couple of swans...

Music of the Week

Thank you to Michael for this week’s song! A little obscure and one I haven’t listened to in ages but here it is: Auf der Maur -  Followed the Waves.  In his words 'goosebumps'.

Well that is me for this week.  Sorry that it is so text heavy but hopefully you're going to be excited by the upcoming developments!  Until next week!

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