Monday, 14 May 2012

Socially awkward in four continents

Hmm, it has been quite a while since I actually posted even though I have had a blog post prepared since I was flying back to Kathmandu.  Before I go on however, big thanks to Stephen Rice, the artist behind my new banner!  His link is at the end if you want to see more of his stuff. 

Basically, I planned to edit the post (as it was the middle of the night) but fell into a stupor for the past week, so kept putting it off.  However, I have now went through it and hopefully improved it slightly.  Especially since I got told:

 “Get on a new blog post btw!!!! Your fans are waiting!”

Woo I have fans!  Plural!  Oh yes, in your face people who called me ‘Robbie Bastard’.  I wouldn’t have minded so much if it hadn’t gone on for 10 years...I mean, it was a classic but you really needed some fresh material.  Come up with something original, it isn’t that hard!  Just google ‘insults’ if you have to.  Don’t be ashamed if you have to get help, you can’t be talented in everything.  I myself can’t make pancakes.  I mean, I lived with my best friends for 3 years and they came up with new ways of telling me I’m short on a regular basis (still highly amused/impressed by the post-it note man on my wall)!  However, I digress, and thanks JK, that actually cheered me up!  So below is the edited post from my travels.:

Ok, as I type this, it is 2:55am and I have a bottle of vodka sitting next to me.  Thankfully, I am not having some sort of midlife crisis and sadly I am not at some 'bitching' party.  I currently sit at a coffee shop in Dubai airport: perhaps the only place I can buy vodka, pick and mix, dates and a £1000 camera within a stone throw of each other.  I also have another 9 hours of waiting around, which is useful as I have no idea where the hell I am supposed to go.  Some might complain but silver lining people!  I can write a blog!  Woohoo! (and not post it for a week – Ed) 

*Disclaimer* If there is any grammar or spelling mistakes or anything that doesn't make sense, please blame my sleep-deprived state.  Other entries, I am just a poor writer but this time I have an excuse.

As you may be able to guess, this shall cover the past week at home.  A week where I have been more sociable and active than perhaps I have ever been in my life (not really a difficult target to beat really)...moving on!

I will skip the flights, other than to say that Dubai is an experience and that I was fed well on the flight (huge meals!) plus I got to watch Sherlock Holmes 2 (so good, in fact, that I watched it on the flight back as well).  So, Saturday afternoon I touched down within Glasgow and was met by my parents who had a hug and a cheese and pickle sandwich for me.  After catching up on the drive home and eating my heavenly sandwich, I was then met ecstatically by The Beagle who seemed to remember me (which pleased me to no end).  After fending off The Beagle, I then sat down for a cup of tea (and a Beagle leg warmer) and gift-giving before there was a rat-tat-tatting at my chamber door. 

Lo and behold, tis my sister who had decided to come and visit from Italy (at which point, The Beagle went into overload and you actually see him thinking 'there is two of once...which lap?  For the love of Odin, which lap?'.) bringing some chocolate milk.  Once he had calmed down, it was nice to sit down for a family dinner which hadn't happened since I left before I crashed out at 9pm.

Sunday was my birthday, which did not prevent me getting up at 7am.  The morning was pleasantly spent in a lazy manner before having lunch with all my Scottish relatives.  Due to not seeing my family over Christmas, I really enjoyed being able to chat to them and just relax as we ate, catching up with everyone.  This allowed me to have a ROAST DINNER which was delicious and all manners of amazing as I don't have an oven.  There was also a cake, which was pretty big I mean after eating it throughout the week, there was still a third left...massive! 

Monday was then spent in Glasgow clothes shopping with my parents, before I bought them lunch at La Tascas which was a rare opportunity for me due to normally being a poor student or unemployed (as well as allowing for me to have Chorizo and sangria.  Seriously, sangria on a Monday should happen more often).  Monday evening was then spent with my friend and fellow Tesco survivor, Lucy for dinner and a beer before a harrowing attempt to catch a train which was missed which then forced us to have another drink...oh no, the tragedy!  It was genuinely nice to catch up with her in our old haunt and discuss her wedding!

Tuesday was easily one of my best day/nights in a long time.  Having met Derek on the train to Glasgow, we headed for a day of shopping which allowed me to spend even more money than I should have.  I mean, I have an excuse...I don’t really spend anything for most of the year, so I am allowed...maybe.  Many hours, several coffees, a few teas and a pint later, we then met up with Michael who, over another pint, explained to us why he accidently caused blast marks on his desk...  I can’t stress how nice it was to be having a pint with these two guys: my closest friends and people I have spent inordinate amounts of time with (see comment about living together earlier)

After meeting Michael, we then met up with Cara before heading to the 'Grill on the Corner', where John and Heather were waiting.  It was here that I then had perhaps one of the best steaks in my life and certainly one of the best evenings of my life, chatting with all of my closest friends, eating great steak and having some Asian beer (sue me, I like Asian beer - ed).

Then Wednesday came along and for the third time, it was back to Glasgow.  Beginning to get tired of trains...however, this was remedied by meeting Susan, Lewis and Amy which was followed by lunch and the avengers (review to come when it is not an effort to type but brilliant).  After spending a nice and relaxing evening with them (watching TV and chatting about Space), I then got an early train back to my house on the Thursday morning before having a shower and heading out again.  This time, it was to David's house for a few beers and some gaming (just like old times) before a trip to the dentist (it can't be all play).  Dinner at home then heading to the pub for a few drinks with Derek and his brother, Colin.  A nice end to the sociable part of my holiday,

Friday came screeching round the corner with a haircut (I now look like a 12 year old boy.  Though I still get called Miss...) and an unhealthy dose of packing (not to mention a lost but soon found iPod).  Finally, after saying bye to my dad and The Beagle (as they left that day), it was one final meal with my mum and a relaxing (I had earned it) night in front of the TV with a beer.

And here I am, after saying bye to my mum and a 7 hour flight, I am here typing and as predicted, it was a week of gluttony for me.  However, most importantly, it was a week spent seeing everyone that I cared about (though I sadly didn't get to see everyone I wanted) and that was what I needed. 

I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart that it was amazing to see my family and friends, that I am so happy everyone took time out of their own lives to see me and that I cannot wait for Christmas which is when I will see you all again (the santa hat promise still stands)!

Enough from me, I am off to go sleep on the floor somewhere.

Ok, back to present me.  If you are interested, I didn’t really sleep at all, I dozed off for about 30 minutes in a chair.  Also, as noted, I have been in a slump for the past week – I think a mixture of exhaustion and having left my friends and family again so I have been negligent about posting!  I have settled back in now and have some stuff I need to sort out, but that is for the future!

Picks of the Week - Ok, the wonderfully talented man who made my new banner!  Check out his site for more art, mind exercises and poetry.  Definitely worth a look so check out his site now! 

Songs of the week 
Ok, my song of the week is very easy to pick this week!  Miyavi - Gravity.  Check him out!

Perfect for a sad rainy day!  Anyways, enough from me, so chat later! 


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