Sunday, 9 October 2011

Excuse me whilst I hyperventilate into a bag

And so, the time has come.  After various emails to various people, long waits and the same repeated questions from my dad, I have finally received some substantial information on when I leave for Nepal!  It even includes the rarest of things!  Rarer than an albino unicorn, harder to find than a quadruple rainbow (though still more common than a girl who will date me!), the ever elusive leaving date for me! 
I did actually have another  blog I was going to write today but I figured that since my blog is supposed to be about Nepal (or one quarter about Nepal at least), this should probably take precedent.  So, in shortened form, I give to you the information I learned today!

Firstly, my flight!  Ahem, cue the fanfare!  I hereby announce that after a long wait, I will be flying 20 days from now, on the 29th of October!  Pretty brilliant as it isn’t too long away but gives me more than enough time to get everything I need done.  I will have my tickets posted and emailed to me fairly soon, I do believe.  The word ‘woot’ comes to mind.

What next?   I will be sent an expatriates guide to living in Nepal, though from chatting to various people, I feel almost prepared!  However, it makes me feel more grown up, and that is all that matters. 

Thirdly, I will be given a  Nepalese sim card on arrival!  Yes, I’m easily pleased but still.  SIM CARD YAY.
Lastly (although there is extra information but that is more for me, than for blog readers) and easily the second most exciting piece of information (the first being the flight dates...ok, fine, the sim card).  I know where I am living!  Yup, I even have an address!  I will be staying at the Emkay guesthouse in Kathmandu.  There is even a daily maid service and a dentist!  Also, it is near the "central meeting point among scholars, researchers, academicians, historians, anthropologists, and tourists", the Mandela Book Point which suits me just fine!  I have posted a few pictures that I found below.

So, there we go.  This blog may actually start to become interesting or, at the very least, semi-related to the aims!

Work Away - Related to travel, a site which is very handy for the givers and receivers!  The traveler (i.e the giver) provides some labour to the host (i.e. the receiver) who provides accommodation for free.  It is win for everyone!
Music eh?  The choice for today goes to 'Heaven Shall Burn - Endzeit'.  They are German, anti-racist, fight social injustice and angry.  What more can you ask for?

So, enough from me.  As usual, tell your friends, enemies, aunts, hairdressers, captains and general strangers, eat your bacon and try not to take anything said by me seriously. 


  1. Robbie I had completely forgotten about Work Away!Thank you!

  2. Well thank you for telling me about it in the first place!
