Thursday, 13 October 2011

I’m Representing Sesame Street Yo

This week has very much been a week where, should I have been lacking in internet etiquette, I would TYPE LIKE THIS!!!  However, I will refrain from doing this and hopefully maintain the modicum of dignity I still have. 
Ok, so first things first.  I have received my contract from work today and it looks good!  I ironed out a couple of details that needed clarified but all in all, it is a really good first ‘proper’ job!  I am turning into quite the ‘proper’ adult...if only I was the same size as one.   I’m very pleased that things are moving quickly now (15 days tomorrow, where is that hyperventilation bag?) and I am starting to get things sorted from my end.  I have even got a rough budget sorted out but will need to actually get there to finalise it.  One major plus is that I might be called upon to travel around Asia on promotional tours for the College, which is amazing and hopefully will be a great opportunity.
Secondly, I shall be making my triumphant return to Dundee tomorrow , for a catch up with some friends and for a beer or two!  Should be a great night!  Thirdly, and most importantly, the Avengers trailer has been released (priorities?).  Sweet mother of Jesus it looks good.  Very good.  Anyway, enough of a catch up.  It is time for my main topic.

5 Reasons why I could never be a Gangsta Rapper

Yo yo yo, it is time for Vanilla Pod,
This is tha flow about a homey, his beagle and his blog
I couldn’t get much less cooler,
But of this blog, Im tha rula!

‘Sup yo.  I decided on this blog as I was watching a Busta Rhymes video and thought to myself, what?  Don’t get me wrong, I listen to rap and enjoy it but I could never do it and here is why.

  1. As is clear from above, I ain’t got no flow.  I can barely write this blog, let alone rap lyrics to a beat.  Unless, perhaps, it was academic based.  However, I would have a limited audience who would want lyrics like: 
    Expats often don’t integrate well into other communities
    This can negatively affect their health,
    If you don’t like my hypothesis,
    You can go Foucault yourself

  2.  I really could not pull off using words like ‘bitches’ and ‘hoes’ nor do I want to.  I mean, if I even tried, my mum, gran, sister and pretty much every woman I know would thoroughly make regret it.  I mean I’m genuinely frightened of about 70% of them and I have no wish to enter ‘a world of hurt’.  That leads me to my 3rd point.
  3. It is often seen as getting shot at, being in fights and being altogether ‘hard’ is a benefit.  Excuse my language but fuck that.  If I get shot at, I’m going to be curled up in a ball weeping and muttering to myself, most likely under a pile of towels under a desk.  I am not ashamed to admit this either.  If I end up in a fight, chances are, I’ll go down quicker than a call girl on the Titanic
  4. I’ve had my share of wearing really baggy trousers and nobody really wants to see my boxers,  so overall, not a good look for me.  Not a fan of vests either.  Pretty much anything that isn’t a jeans and a t-shirt to be honest.  I also don’t like wearing jewellery, so bling is out of the question as well.  Maybe a doo rag...or a flava flav clock.  Sigh probably neither
  5. Finally, and the main reason for me, I would not be able to stand  the person who shouts the last half of  everything you say and stands really close to you.  I mean watch the guy in the white ‘doo rag’ next to Busta Rhymes below.   At one part, he looks like he wants to take Busta Rhymes out for dinner and make him breakfast the next morning.   At another, he looks like he is having some sort of fit caused by the lights.   I would not appreciate it one bit.  I don’t really like sitting next to people on a train, let alone standing with their head over my shoulder, pressing against me
 There we go, why I could never be a gangsta rapper.  I would like to point out that this was all in jest and I hope I haven’t offended any rappers out there.  Onto my picks of the days!   

Avengers Trailer  - Ok, they hardly need any more advertisement but still it is an awesome trailer (despite the Iron man heavy focus) and I cannot wait for it!

Yowayowa Camera Woman Diary - Thanks to Derek for linking this to me today.  A blog based around levitation photography.  I have to admit, some really interesting photographs.
For my song of the day, I will go to Kokia and her song (which I admit I don't know the name of) which opens up the film 'Origins - Spirits of the Past'.  I watched the film today and was struck by the song itself.

So enough from me and my rambles.  As usual, tell your friends, remember the 1000 competition and that is about it.  Vanilla Pod out.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Excuse me whilst I hyperventilate into a bag

And so, the time has come.  After various emails to various people, long waits and the same repeated questions from my dad, I have finally received some substantial information on when I leave for Nepal!  It even includes the rarest of things!  Rarer than an albino unicorn, harder to find than a quadruple rainbow (though still more common than a girl who will date me!), the ever elusive leaving date for me! 
I did actually have another  blog I was going to write today but I figured that since my blog is supposed to be about Nepal (or one quarter about Nepal at least), this should probably take precedent.  So, in shortened form, I give to you the information I learned today!

Firstly, my flight!  Ahem, cue the fanfare!  I hereby announce that after a long wait, I will be flying 20 days from now, on the 29th of October!  Pretty brilliant as it isn’t too long away but gives me more than enough time to get everything I need done.  I will have my tickets posted and emailed to me fairly soon, I do believe.  The word ‘woot’ comes to mind.

What next?   I will be sent an expatriates guide to living in Nepal, though from chatting to various people, I feel almost prepared!  However, it makes me feel more grown up, and that is all that matters. 

Thirdly, I will be given a  Nepalese sim card on arrival!  Yes, I’m easily pleased but still.  SIM CARD YAY.
Lastly (although there is extra information but that is more for me, than for blog readers) and easily the second most exciting piece of information (the first being the flight dates...ok, fine, the sim card).  I know where I am living!  Yup, I even have an address!  I will be staying at the Emkay guesthouse in Kathmandu.  There is even a daily maid service and a dentist!  Also, it is near the "central meeting point among scholars, researchers, academicians, historians, anthropologists, and tourists", the Mandela Book Point which suits me just fine!  I have posted a few pictures that I found below.

So, there we go.  This blog may actually start to become interesting or, at the very least, semi-related to the aims!

Work Away - Related to travel, a site which is very handy for the givers and receivers!  The traveler (i.e the giver) provides some labour to the host (i.e. the receiver) who provides accommodation for free.  It is win for everyone!
Music eh?  The choice for today goes to 'Heaven Shall Burn - Endzeit'.  They are German, anti-racist, fight social injustice and angry.  What more can you ask for?

So, enough from me.  As usual, tell your friends, enemies, aunts, hairdressers, captains and general strangers, eat your bacon and try not to take anything said by me seriously. 

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Singing And Dancing Warrior Wizards!

I have actually had an almost productive day today!  I finished my washing, entertained the Beagle (as I do every day, generally whenever he isn't sleeping), tidied up a bit (I am no longer  at risk from dvd avalanche), complete an entire unit of my TEFL course, fed the birds and various other chores, whilst listening to .  I’m a regular 1940s housewife, except with an over excitable beagle instead of children.  On another note, I finally learned how to play chess and I have to say, it is a pretty brilliant game.   Nothing quite like sacrificing a pawn in order to draw out your opponent.  Shame I lost.  Twice.  Badly.  I did enjoy it though.
Watching a film tonight, so this will be quite a short post.  ‘Woochi the Demon Slayer’ is the pick of the night!  Have to say, I am enjoying the over the top action (I’m talking extending staffs and rat monster things) as well as the quite witty banter.  It is a nice contrast to the gritty realism that occurs in a lot of films these days.  There is an especially amusing car chase scene, once the ‘demon slayer’ enters modern day.  Overall, it feels like Buffy meets the Power Rangers. Finally, right at the start, there is a pretty good music section where the main character introduces himself.  Overall, an enjoyable film so far.  As I typed this, another brilliant fight scene appeared, set to music.  If you like comedic, action world cinema, this is worth a look!

Dr Horrible - Neil Patrick Harris at his all singing, all dancing, world conquering best.  Need I say more?  Pretty brilliant!

Music for today?  Turisas!  Why?  Because we all need battle music in our live!  To Holmgard and Beyond!!

So, I apologise again for the poor post but nothing major has happened to me recently and I don't want to get out of the habit of writing, hence the random gibberish :)  As usual, if you like it, tell your friends and if you don't, tell your enemies!  Also, don't forget the competition!

Sunday, 2 October 2011

The Internet Is For Quorn

So, it was seemingly hug a vegetarian day yesterday, sorry to any vegetarians that I know and that I didn’t hug!  However, it got me thinking.  I reckon October should be Hug a Robbie month.  Just tossing the idea out.
Ok, I’ll be drastically honest.  Not much has happened to me since my last proper blog (i.e. ignoring the blog that was primarily for whoring my blog like the cheap thing it is).  I saw Michael and Cara (of ‘looking after me when hung-over’ fame) which was a great way to spend my Saturday afternoon.  Especially as the main topic was various comic related issues.  Then today, the highlight was napping with the Beagle for half an hour.  So, now that we have caught up,  onto the main reason for this blog!  It is time to do some good!

Post Pals

My friend Becca posted this on her wall and to be honest, it is a brilliant idea.  Basically, you send a letter (or email, gifit etc) to a sick child and hopefully make them smile.  Nothing more and nothing less.  I sent an email to a young boy named Philip (I even got to talk about Star Wars) and I will probably send other emails/letters to more children.  It is something small but it will mean the world to the children who receive them.  Come on, make a child smile today!   

And I suppose, just to keep tradition, some songs that I have been listening to today!  Both are from my Visual Kei section of Itunes.

First up is Sadie - Meisai.  One of the first Japanese bands I listened to.

Last but not least, Drop Star Shooting - Friday the 13th.  Incredibly catchy and toe-tapping (I just winced typing that) sound, a perfect Sunday night pick me up!

Once again, enough from me but don't forget, make a kid smile!  Also, remember to spread the word of the blog!  That way, you can all enjoy watching me make a complete tool of myself running a marathon once we get the 1000th view!  I will most likely film and upload my attempts for all to enjoy (read as laugh at).