Just a quick update as I will be pretty busy for a while! You see, I'm moving this week. This was already the plan but this time, it's about a month early! So, I am going to be packing and getting other things sorted out! Yup, due to circumstances, my timetable has been moved forward.
Yup, so this is an apology post just to keep you ticking over but I did get to attend a fantastic stag party, and I hope you enjoyed it John! That's for another week though
To make up for the short post, please enjoy this picture of Ollie.
Hello, hello, hello! It’s everyone’s favourite time of the
week! New blog time! And this week, I was away at the Edinburgh
Ale festival! Oh yes, around 180
different beers (plus ciders and perry) for you to try! You pay £6 to get your ticket which lets you
into every day of the event…oh, and your ticket is a pint glass! Once you get in, all the drinks are available
in thirds, halves and pints. I
personally tried ‘The Di’els awa with ye’, ‘Ghost Town Porter’ and ‘Smoked
Porter’ and they were delicious.
However, this isn’t what my blog is about! Nope, it’s time for what I’ve learned about
cats! You see, I haven’t had much
experience with cats before, other than maybe a night but now I’ve been able to
spend some considerable time with them! So
below, I’m listing my casual observations about our feline friends!
1.They are the night
Now, nobody really likes just wandering
around in the dark at the best of times but seeing their eyes glinting in the
darkness at 3:12am is terrifying. It
seems likes they just stay awake at night just to freak you out.
2.They play by pub rules
Oh yes, the moment you stand up, its fair
game for your seat! They will take it
without a second thought. Hell, I’ve
woken up at night to find myself slanted across the bed and one of the cats is sleeping where
my feet should have been. I...I don't even know how!
3.They are playful at all the wrong times
I really love playing with animals but not at
2:38am, after one of them jumps on my face.
Nor at 5:09 when one of them decides to climb to the top of a door
frame. Not even at 4:15am when one of
them decides to shear the carpet.
4.Boxes are utterly fantastic
Just like when you buy a child a cutting edge
toy, and all the want to do is play with the box, cats are mesmerised. I was unboxing some stuff and within minutes,
they were enamoured and sitting in it.
Then fighting over it and sitting on each other in it. I think I now want a box...
5.They are utterly adorable
Yes, yes they are. Once one of them rolls onto his/hers back and
purrs against you whilst weaving, your heart will melt. Mines certainly did! I dare you not to be moved.
OK, so my observations may not be the most cutting edge but
I feel like I learned something! Also, I
found out that when they ‘weave’, they are actually marking you with scent
glands. So now you smell.
Pick of the Week
CCleaner – This week is the turn of a useful software
program that I’ve been using for years. CCleaners
role is simple: clean up your computer.
It can clean up your browser, remove useless registry links, analyse
your disk and remove programs: all in one program. A great little system to have and easy to use
as well.
Music of the Week
And now for something a bit different! Dan Bull - Dishonoured...the idea is simple: he takes a a video game trailer, and makes a rap out of it. Enjoy.
Ok, so
it's travelling time again but this time, it's just me so it's slightly different from writing about
Alison and me travelling! Right? It probably isn't?!? Well, I will try and remember that for next
time. However, for today, you will just
have to make do.
So! Where am I off to this week? Where in the world is CarmenSandiego
Robbie? Well, I am off to London this
week to visit Michael and Cara who have recently moved down. So, after a rather disappointing lunch at The
Streets, I jump on my train and away I go, filling the time with my sorely
neglected 3DS and catching up with some anime and blogging...an actually rather
enjoyable afternoon travelling.
in the big city, and having traversed to where I needed to go, I grabbed a
coffee and waited for Michael and Cara to arrive. After they arrive, and we've caught up for a
bit, we began some discussions about what to do for the evening. Now, whilst this would normally be an easyish
discussion, there was a bit of a twist this evening. You see, Cara had secretly arranged for
Martin to fly down to London to surprise Michael and his bus arrived in the
area we met, meaning we couldn't go too far.
Eventually, we decided on a small, independent Italian that served a
delicious (and filling) chicken risotto and had a spectacular bottle of house red (whilst my
opinion of the chicken risotto was just that, mine, the whole table agreed on
the wine).
dinner, it got a bit tricky as Michael wanted to go for a drink to another area
but we had to try and stay nearby (made all the more difficult by a distinct
lack of pubs nearby). However, it turned
out that Martin's bus would be another hour or so, meaning we had enough time
to go to the next area.
So, off to West
Hampstead for an after dinner drink, at a place called 'The Gallery', a
cocktail bar that was pretty brilliant actually, with great decor and pretty
affordable drinks. Some particular
highlights were:
lGetting a seat on a balcony, overlooking the
lThe hand drawn pictures on the beer tap (I had
'Beaver Creek Neck Oil'...see the picture below)
lThe bartender asking Michael and I to guess
which number he was going to roll (we never found out why)
lOur Smokey Hawker Martinis...made from Laphroig,
Vermouth and Gin (which prompted the bartender to call us brave for trying it)
best bit of the evening though was managing to keep Martin a surprise until he
arrived and seeing him sneak up behind Michael and surprise him. Well done Cara for planning that!! After we had all caught up, and with Martin
having had a drink at the bar, we headed back to Michael and Cara's flat to
have some more drinks and play the ever popular Cards against Humanity. On a side note, something I learned this weekend: London
Off-Licences don't have a curfew. Fantastic. After a game of CaH, and about 2:30 or so we then headed to bed.
morning came acalling, and we all got up slowly, and had a nice cooked
breakfast (thanks Cara) before heading into the sunshine to explore a bit of
London. Our first stop was the area near
the river, with us passing the Millennium Eye (or Coca Cola Eye now, I
believe). This was quite a nice
riverside walk with lots of performers and the Udderbelly, of Edinburgh fame. It is seemingly shipped down before the fringe.
a bridge, it was off to Downing Street, including some nice gardens, but the
big attraction was some police action that revealed a small, 19 man anti-semantic
protest that was completely outnumbered by a wonderful amount of counter demonstrators.
spending some time watching the demonstration, we headed off through some of
London's trendy streets and past a lot of the colonial embassies. Here, we ended up at the original Forbidden
Planet which is a sprawling two-floor store of wonder. I got completely lost in there but loved just
wandering around all the memorabilia and comics in the place. I've never seen so many wonderful things in one place in my life.
After Forbidden Planet, Michael then led us
to a real ale bar with a massive collection of beers and ales, including one I
had from Dogfish Head (an American company that you don't really get over here)
and one that Michael had, called Vladimir P which was one of the best I've had, period. Nothing beats a nice beer on a hot day.
back on 'the tube', we headed to Camden Market, which is one hell of an
experience. Just walking along the
street (before you got to market), you are passing a huge number of trendy and Goth
shops, filled with everything you can imagine!
Then you hit the market itself, and the smells of all the food stalls
hit your and lure you in. It was here
that we decided to have a late lunch, and we ended up splitting up to go our separate
ways and explore the different food stalls, before meeting up with our
lunch. Here you got a damn good selection of
different foods...from Korean to Malaysian to Moroccan to Mexican, and plenty
of it, for cheap. I ended up with a
steamed Chinese bun and a massive beef burrito.
Stuffed!! We then headed further into the market, which was filled with an
eclectic range of stores. I'm talking
vintage travel trunks right next to designer coasters right next to opera masks. I genuinely imagine you could find almost
anything you could ever want in the market! I'm going to have to make a return for a day!
up, it was time to go home but the day wasn't over! After relaxing a little in the flat, we
headed into the local fun fair for a quick wander around. Here I managed to
lose £2.50 on those machines where you drop 10p into the slot and there is a
chance to knock coins out and win them...it really reminded me of when I was
young and the shows would come round.
then headed to the 'adult play park', an outside gym for a little bit of light
exercise (even though we had been walking about most of the day) and some light
spinning! Then it was my first game of
Settlers of Catan! Now, I was told this
was a very slow game of Catan, but I still had a lot of fun playing it. As such, thank you Michael, Cara and Martin
for playing with me and showing me how to play!
then we come to Sunday morning, which after some delightful lazing around and
chatting (thank you Michael for the croissants and expresso), it was time for a
rather special event: we got video called by all the adorable children at the
South African Orphanage that Michael and Cara befriended, looked after and
cared for as family. Nothing puts a
smile on your face quicker than a whole bunch of adorable children who are
little bundles of energy and joy all smiling and talking into the camera. This call then quickly descended into a whole
lot of silly faces and stuffed animals but everyone involved had a huge amount
of fun.
Sadly we said bye to Cara (who wasn't feeling well) and Michael, Martin and I headed to
Spitalfield food market via one of the trendiest markets I've been to. Seemingly, this is where a lot of designers
get discovered. However, we did not go
to Spitalfield for clothes, dammit, we went to eat!
You see, every Sunday, the biggest ethnic
food market I have ever seen arrives and I have never seen anything quite like
it. Just stalls and stalls of every type
of food you can think of (and some you couldn't) as far as the eye can
see. Mauritian, Ethiopian, Brazilian,
Korean, Japanese, Indian, Nepalese and many others were all available. I ended up with some sort of South American (Michael
believed Mexican) corn bun with black bean and spiced pulled pork and some
Gyoza as well, plus Michael got us some Korean kebabs to share as well. We ended up eating on the pavement kerb which
was the perfect place for such good food.
through some streets adorned with Indian food and sweet shops, we meandered
towards the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge, before following the river
towards the Bridge of London, where I headed into the murky depths of the
Underground were I said goodbye to Michael and Martin. And that brings me to now, as I type this up
on the train back to Edinburgh.
I just
want to say thank you to Michael and Cara for inviting me to London and for
showing me some proper sights, and thanks to both and Martin for helping make
this a fantastic weekend. As usual, it
was great seeing all three of you and I can't wait to see you all next time!!
of the Week
London Markets - Now, I have only been to two (the ones mentioned above) but both were
absolutely spectacular. I could spend
hours in both, just exploring the multitude of stalls and tasting all the
different foods. If you're ever in
London, please, please, please make a point of visiting a market, and getting
some food there. You won't regret it at
all. Both markets were particular
highlights for me, and I bet they will be for you.
Music of the Week
Time for some country music this week, and from classic! Oh yes, it's Willie Nelson - City of New Orleans!
So I’m
on a train to London but time for a slight change in pace from all this
travelling!! Yes, as the summer anime
season is winding down to a close, and the fall anime season is being rolled
out (when you read this, it most likely will have), I thought I would do my top
5 series for this season!! So, if you're not into anime, I would probably leave
now...or feel free to stay, and you mind find something that interests
then...let us dive right in. Be
warned....there be spoilers lurking in these them hills.
Set in
a world where androids work alongside humans and have their own personality,
this is a story of love. Not exactly the
happiest story of love though, as it's the love story between an android and
the android collection service (androids memories 'run out' after several tens
of thousands of hours, and then they turn violent). The story follows Tsukasa and Isla as they
try and navigate their relationship whilst Isla's time continues to countdown
before a 'reset' is required. Well
animated and with an interesting storyline, this really gave a 'blade runner
rom-com vibe' that was sadly prone to the odd cliché.
let's get this over with...yes, this is humans vs vampires. I get it...it's a pretty cliché story. However, it does mix it up slightly when the
vampires are vastly more powerful than the remaining humans (as the majority of
the population was wiped out), and the humans are forced to rely on curses and
human experimentation. The story follows
two childhood friends (Yuichiro and Mikaela) who are split up: one joins the
anti-vampire and the other, whoopsie, becomes a vampire. Oh, and this is not a happy, light anime
either. This is nice and dark...a tone
befitting this kind of story. Good
action and good character growth, that is occasionally let down by the lead
character being a brat.
was one of the most surprising animes of the season, with a light-hearted
atmosphere and over-the-top characters, which has a slightly dark
undertone. Set in an over-the-top 40s
city with monsters and humans living together, this follows a very secret
organisation who keeps balance within the city and more closely, with
Leonard...a hapless, youth with the eyes of a god. Yup, that's right. The eyes of the god. However, he also has some of the worst luck
in the world and constantly gets caught up in increasingly worse
situations. Be warned though...there are
plenty of heartfelt moments that will catch you off guard.
is the second season of it but I love this show. It genuinely has one of the most down to
earth protagonists ever, who is wonderfully pragmatic and can often cut to the
heart of the matter quickly. Hayato
joins the 'Service Club' at his school, along with Yui and Yukino, and helps
other students with their problems.
However, don't be fooled by the fact this is a comedy...this can be
somewhat dark and depressing, especially from Hayoto's point of view, when he
analyses other peoples motives and calls them out or helps someone by
sacrificing himself and his relationships.
This is a black comedy at its finest, and has some of the best
characters in the business. In addition,
it also strives to examine issues in more detail, whereas other animes would
gloss over them.
Now in
its third season, this is a spectacular season for the anime. Based around the winter final, it follows
Kuroko and Seren High's basketball team as they battle for the winter cup
against all the power player team. I'm
not exactly a fan of basketball but dear god, I'm hooked on every moment of
this. Not only is this the tensest
season yet, with multiple rivalries and several twists but it also isn't scared
to shy away from the action. Yes, this
season delves a lot more into the characters history and provide additional
layers to everyone involved, which helps provides explanation as to why the characters
are as they are. Whilst this will never
be true basketball (unless real basketball has 'special abilities'), it is
still a fantastic series which has me hooked.
Pick of the Week
Bun Meat Burger - I've had some good burgers in my time, but this tops the
lot. First discovered with John then
again with Alison, this is a burger bar that really knows its stuff. First of all, you are given a paper table mat
(that is also your plate), a jar of cutlery and a roll of kitchen towel. Then, you're served the juiciest and meatiest
burger you've ever had. Topped with
cheese and whatever other toppings you order, this is just a well-balanced
feast that you just have to respect!
I've also been told the veggie burgers are brilliant as well! Although the burgers are the main star of the
show, the sides are just as good...including 'wings', haggis balls and Thai
chilli cheese fries. Plus, there are
weekly specials as well. Why are you
still reading this?? Go eat!!
Music of the Week
Time for some blues from Caro Emerald - Tangled Up. This is always some nice music for a lazy afternoon or if you're busy at work. Really, it's great all the time!