Sunday, 22 April 2012


Ok, my first order of business is to apologise for the lack of post last week.  I was very busy all week and I couldn’t quite work myself up to sit and write a blog.  Very unprofessional of me, yes but I never claimed to be professional.  There will not be a post next week either.  I will be home on holiday and so I won’t be posting, I will be too busy gorging.  However, depending on my level of exhaustion on the 5th of May, there should be a post on the 6th of May as I will be able to do it on my overnight at Dubai airport. 

With less than 1 week to go, I find myself at a level of preparedness that is surprising, even for me.  By Saturday (I fly out this Friday), I was fully packed.  I don’t mean things gathered together or roughly thrown together packed either.  I mean my suitcase has been arranged and padlocked and my hand luggage has been sorted out along with my ticket and passport style packed.  Either I am brilliantly organised or desperately sad.  Depressingly, I think I can guess that answer…
Regardless, I am packed and ready to go and with the exception of one day, everything has been planned and sorted…even to the point where I am having a cheese and pickle sandwich (an old favourite) brought to me at the airport.  Ok, I can definitely answer that question now.  Sadly, whilst packing and getting organised, I noticed that instead of a 7 hour wait at Dubai, it is actually a 10 hour wait and overnight as well. 


Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact I will have plenty of time to run amok through all the duty free shops and restaurants in the terminal 2 (The good terminal, which pleases me as I was stuck in terminal 3 last time) but I don’t sleep well in airports.  Last time I needed to sleep in the airport, it took me hours to drop off then as I did drop off to sleep, prayer bells then woke me up.  Also, I know what you are thinking: ‘Well, why don’t you just sleep on the plane?’.  I could but then I would miss the brilliance of long-haul flying.

‘Ok, now we know you’re a bit weird, Robbie.  Long-haul flying is awful’ is what you are now thinking, isn’t it?  But is it?  Let’s break it down, shall we?

1.       You are stuck on a plane for x amount of hours
A valid point and made worse by the possibility that you will be stuck next to a complete stranger who snores/drools/smells/talks/giggles/exists and I can understand for those people who like to be out and about, doing things.  However, apart from the stranger bit, what difference is it really to working?  For example, whilst I may have a varied number of jobs to do at work, I am still required to be at work for 9 hours.  When I worked at Tesco, I was required to remain at Tesco.  The only difference is that on the plane, I can watch films; read my book; play my DS or GBA; catch up on other work; chat to my friend/family; or various other activities.  This leads me to the next point…

2.       They are incredibly boring
If you can’t find something to do on a plane (in regards to long-haul flights), well then, that is your fault, I would argue.  If you are travelling with a friend or family, you can chat to each other or play games.  Bring some travel games; a pack of cards; or even just some of those naming style games.  Last time I flew with a friend, we spent a good hour or two going through the alphabet naming various items e.g. countries or animals.  Alternatively, bring some books or magazines with you to catch up on your reading.  Especially with kindles and tablets, it is easier than ever to have a huge range of books/magazines/newspapers at your fingerprints.  Even if you forgot to bring any reading materials, most airports do have loads of shops and many (long-haul) flights provide newspapers and magazines.  Finally, I don’t know about you but I don’t get to the cinema that much but I do enjoy watching films.  A lot of long-haul airlines now provide TV screens where you get a fairly decent number of films (both old and new) as well as television shows and music.  In fact, on my flight back, I will be able to catch up on the new Mission Impossible and the new Sherlock Holmes.  On my flight back from Hong Kong, I actually manage to break my record for number of films watched in a row: 7.

3.       The food and drink is awful
Ok, I can’t quite argue this (especially since the quality of meals on flights vary so drastically).  However, you have already paid for it, so you may as well try to enjoy it and I have certainly ate worse.  Not only that but it is even brought to you!  Woo hoo!  Also, though it varies from airline to airline, you often get various free drinks during the flight e.g. tea, coffee, juice, coke, wine, vodka etc (I say free because on short-haul flights, you have to pay separately).  I had actually had a rather novel experience with food on a plane.  Again, coming back from Hong Kong, they served the usual meal you would get but they also served ramen from the back of the plane.  You just walked up to the bar at the back of the plane and they handed you ramen with chopsticks.

As you can see, just a few reasons why I actually enjoy travelling on long-haul flights.  Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t want to do it on a weekly basis and it is a completely different story if you are afraid of flying or you are somebody who needs to be active regularly.  I am also aware that each airline (even the flight routes) can have different standards thus affecting your experience but my point is though, just try not to go into it thinking ‘this is going to be awful and boring’.
Hmm, I am quite pleased.  I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about this week and then this popped into my head!  Ok, onto my picks of the week.

Weekly Pick
Last night, I finally got round to watching the anime film ‘The Girl Who Leapt Through Time’ and was generally impressed.  First of all, as you can guess from the title, it is about a girl who can travel through time.  Whilst a slightly overused premise, I would argue that there was enough originality in the story to keep it from grating (especially how she actually time travels).  Also, unlike ‘Back to the Future’ for example, the time travel doesn’t really affect her (except for a section where she ends up singing karaoke for 10 hours) but those around her and even then in generally subtle ways.  There are no sections where her existence may stop existing but it focuses on how her ‘timeleaps’ affect her friends lives e.g. whether or not one of them dates a girl etc.  This then does culminate in a fairly tense finale which keeps you on the edge of your seat but overall, the film has a heartwarming and humour tone to it. 

The characters themselves are fairly cliché e.g. the sullen yet actually friendly teenager and the incredibly shy girl but you warm to them throughout the film and it is interesting to see how they react throughout the different scenarios.  It is also good to see that the main character, once she gains her timeleaping ability, act likes the teenager she is and just has fun with it for the most part, rather than doing anything to major with it before she realizes the effect that she is having. 
The animation is simple (particularly for this day and age) but there are some stunning hand-drawn backgrounds through the film and the simplicity actually works to the films advantage and tones: over exaggerating reactions and facial expressions without being crude and overbearing.  There is also a particularly beautiful scene where time has frozen and whilst there is colour, it feels like it has all drained away.  There is also an interesting background which subtly reflects the story of the film, a hand-drawn split in the road, where things begin to go badly.

The main problem I felt with the film is the ending.  I won’t go into it but there are a few things that just remain completely unexplained and one bit which just makes no sense what so ever.  However, overall for anime lovers, this film is a good relaxing watch that keeps you interested without having any overwhelmingly complicated plot points.

Characters: 7/10
Story: 7/10
Visuals: 8/10
Total: 7/10

Music of the Week 

This 1000x over:  Bruce springsteen - Death to my Hometown (with Tom Morello)

and following the same theme but in a very very very different tone:  Street Sweeper Social Club - Clap for the Killers

Ok, so that was quite the blog!  Didn't imagine it would ever be so long but hopefully it makes up for last week and next week.  So, you will hear from me again in two weeks time!  Byyyeeee

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Something wicked this way comes…

And the clock is ticking down and down and down until:
  • the end of the world
  • New twilight
  • Me coming home!

For those who have been talking to me, I am quite excited (I am also quite aware that I mention it every week)!  Although the thing that I am looking forward to is seeing my friends and family the most, there is one thing else that I am looking forward to (other than food and beer): the items that I have ordered.  There are a few things that I cannot or should not get here e.g. electronics (I had some of my friends here recommend that I get electronics from home).  Due to this, I have spent the past few evenings trawling through the depths Amazon, Ebay and various other online shops to ensure two things.
  1. I am completely stocked with everything that I need to last me until Christmas e.g. new headphones, a mic etc
  2. I get the cheapest deals.  I like my savings, I really do!

Though spare a thought for my poor parents, who shall be inundated with multiple deliveries from all corners of the internet for me.  I will have fun opening them though!  

What is just as exciting is the fact that I have spent my four days off for Easter working.  Why am I excited about working on my days off you wonder?  Er good question…one sec…oh yes, because I will now get 4 extra days holiday which means that I will now get to spend 2 weeks home for Christmas! Woohoo!
Anyways, as you may have guessed by my rambling, I don’t exactly have much to talk about this week as I have been doing very little other than work recently.  However, I thought I would give two tips instead! 

The first is morning related.  I am not very good at getting up in the mornings.  Since I started university, getting up early just became increasingly difficult for me.  At my worst, I would get up at 2 – 3pm on a regular basis.  Thankfully, I eventually got out of this habit and 9am – 10am became the norm.  This wasn’t necessarily a bad habit but when I started my working life, it was a bit of a shock.  I basically ended up getting up with just enough time to shower and dress (having a bowl of cereal whilst putting on a shirt has become a new skill for me).  Whilst this worked for a short time, it often meant I missed breakfast or was in a constant rush so I decided to change.   Easier said than done as every time I set my alarm early, I would wake up in a sleepy daze and reset the alarm.  So I tried and tried and tried but the allure of bed was just too tempting but then I discovered this secret.
Which can be yours for £49.99
No?  Ok, fine, I’ll tell you for free.  Set your alarm 1 minute earlier.  Do this for a few days, then set   it 2 minutes earlier.  Repeat for a few days then set your alarm 3 minutes earlier.  Keep doing this until you are waking up at the time you want.  In my case, I used to get up at 8am so I set my alarm for 7:59 for a couple of days, then 7:58 then 7:57 and so on and so on.  It is slow but it does work, at least for me.  I will eventually get up at 7am so I can have breakfast on my roof, like a sir.  So try it today!

The second is delicious!  Who doesn’t love fajitas?  Nobody, that’s who.  However, we can all do without the hassle of trying to divide 8 wraps between 3 people.  You may as well try to split the atom using nothing but a fork and a microwave.  So here is a solution to your fractional woes!  Instead of using individual wraps, use a medium to large sized naan bread as the wrap.  Not only does it save you the argument of who misses out of that extra fajita, it is delicious and filling!

Things I found on the Internet

Smodcast Sir Radio - Ok, I think I have mentioned this before but seeing as Kevin Smith favourited one of my tweets today, I though I would mention them again (total fanboy moment).  If you like comedy or his films, check out his radio station and podcasts!  I currently have about 700 smodcasts, made up of over 25 different shows and the best bit?  It was all free!  Seriously, it is is one of the best podcasts I have listened to, there is choice and it is genuinely funny.  What more can you ask for?

Kickstarter - Something new as well (oh my, two links to click?).  For those who don't know, kickstarter is a site where you donate money to a project you feel deserves it.  Whether it be a video game, comic, music show or anything, people can put their projects onto kickstarter and hope that they get money to realise their dream.  This actually benefits both parties - the creator gets funding to help kickstart (sorry) their project and depending on what they donate, some reward e.g. I donated to Wasteland 2 which means I will get a copy of the game but you can get other rewards e.g. become a character or dinner with the creator.  Check it out and help somebody out, perhaps even you!

Sunday Music Session
Hmm, I am unprepared for my ipod!  Aha!  Excellent.  First of all, is Clutch.  An awesome and catchy band whom I learned about via a free music Dvd:

Clutch - Ghost.  This is one of their more mellow songs but still brilliant!

Next is Otis Taylor - Ten Million Slaves.  Heard it through the Public Enemies advert as you may have guessed.

Once again, that is enough from me!  Throughout this week, I will continue to edit this blog into what I hope the final version will be and perhaps continue to work on the other plans that I have!  Until next week!

Sunday, 1 April 2012

20 - 0?

First of all, apologies for the lack of post last week, it has been a very busy week at work this week but the good news is that I got word that I can use my trip advisor reviews for my blog, so I shall drip-feed them into my new travel section. 

 My name written in Nepalese ^^^^^^

Moving on, now that I have noticed one, I keep noticing them all the time.  Goats on vehicle roofs!  Am I the only one incredibly excited about this???  Oh well, maybe you need to see it.  On a similar note, I keep seeing Death Note T-shirts everywhere…have I missed something and where can I find them???  Before I go on, I meant to tell you about a small event that happened to me a few weeks ago.  I was casually walking to work, like I do most mornings.  The sun was shining, the birds singing and the roads of Kathmandu were congested as always.  I was nonchalant and enjoying my usual until it happened.  I admit, I was caught open.  I was unaware.  I had let my guard down…

I was attacked by a Cow.

A cow.  Attacked me.  In the street.  Welcome to Nepal, a world where goats bus-surf and cows attack the innocent and I love it (though I am a little worried that a goat may jump off a bus at me now)!  For those who want to know the outcome of the story, I successfully managed to fend of the attack and survived to live another day.    

So in less surreal events, I have had a fun week of socialising!  On Tuesday evening I spent an enjoyable evening with my friend Roshan, his relatives and my new Kaka and kaki!  We had a few drinks, I ate waaaayy too much delicious (or Ramro in Nepalese) food and just generally had a good time!  Not only that but on Saturday I had another enjoyable evening.  Again, my friend Roshan picked me up and I spent the evening in his place eating a lot of delicious food and having a few ice cold beers.  The main difference this time was that I learned some Nepalese card games and sadly lost way too much money playing them [about 400 rupees].  One thing that has struck me is the sheer level of closeness in Nepal.  Here I am, a basic stranger being invited to share their food and drink is their house with their family.  Pretty humbling if you ask me.  Not only that but the meals often seem to be the kind of meal where you get various plates and everyone just digs into the food together.  Pretty fun!  Wow, I used to be such an anti-social pariah, now I am out two nights in a week.  Pfft Lindsay Lohan, you have nothing on me, go hard or go home!

Finally, before I go onto the usual pick of the weeks and updates, I want to talk about a book series I am reading: The Wheel of Time.  For those who don’t know, it is an epic (in every sense of the word) fantasy storyline involving at least 13 books (not quite sure of the exact number…I read 14 but someone then said 15 and then someone said the first book had been split blah blah blah) and an incredible array of settings and characters.  I am currently near the end of book 2 and I am drowning in detail (in a good way).  The books main character is a young man named Rand who has been into a turbulent journey (pfft who hasn’t) with his friends and enemies as they try to avoid their future.  I won’t go into detail (I will explain why shortly) but what is amazing about the books is the sheer detail.  Whilst some books have multiple characters and multiple setting, The Wheel of Time actually creates an entire world, not just a small section of the world and the characters to fill it.  I am only on book two and have already seen a huge continent with several places, all with different characters and styles).  Epic.

Now then, as I said I wasn’t going to go into detail and here is why.  A new OWT feature!  Reviews!  As if I don’t talk enough rubbish, I have felt the need to expand OWT (any thoughts on using the acronym?  Good?  Pretentious?  Don’t care?) to cover my views on various media types e.g. books, films, podcasts etc.  Who knows, it might even be enjoyable!  This section is actually leading up to something else but more on that another day!

Pick of the Weeks 
The Wheels of Time - Yes, I spoke about it briefly before and I will do a proper review on it soon but this a must read for anyone who likes Fantasy novels.  Not much more I can say really!

Ok, I have actually linked Miyavi before but I decided this time (as I recently discovered him again) to actually highlight his range, which I say is pretty impressive.  
                                                                  Miyavi - Ready to Rock 

                                                             Miyavi - Freedom Fighter

                                                                  Miyavi - Torture

Ok, that is enough from me as usual!  As you may have noticed, I have also added a new search bar...rock and roll!  Feel free to send me Death Note T-shirts and I am off home, hopefully avoiding any angry livestock.