Well don’t I feel quite elegant this afternoon, sitting with my Cafetiere on the rooftop balcony in 25°C weather writing my blog. Let us ignore the fact I am currently unshaven and unshowered sitting on chipped and old garden. In my defence, I am trying to conserve water and gas a bit, hence why I am unshowered.
However, after my less than wonderful week last week, things are, in fact, picking up. First of all, The British College is finally fully Ministry of Education (MOE) approved. We have been waiting for this to happen since I arrived and it means that we can now full enroll students and start yours courses! It also means that I won’t be unceremoniously thrown out of the country and should have a job for the foreseeable future! Yay! Less importantly, but still important for me, is that I will also be able to send my money home and start saving! Those who know me well, will be pleased to know that I am now quite sensible with my money. That said, it does help significantly that it costs less than the price of a blank cd to buy a film here.
Moving past my economic growth (see what I did there?), the next thing is that I haven rebooked my cancelled holidays. I shall be returning home (if all goes to plan…they have been approved…then again, they had been last time. Oh well) on Saturday the 28th of April and will be leaving on the 5th of May. It isn’t a huge amount of time but it does mean that I can get home for Christmas as well. It should also be enough time for me to see my family and friends as well as stock up on various supplies e.g. tea, coffee, bacon, Smallville. You know, the important stuff.
This change in holidays, whilst generally troublesome to my plans, has one silver lining. Due to the numerous public holidays we have here (the same holidays I had been utilising for my trip home), it means I now have two long weekends in April, so if anyone has any suggestions for what I could do, let me know. My current plan is to go to either Pokhara or Chitwan…perhaps even both!
In Nepalese news, I have continued my sightseeing with a guided tour of the 2nd Durbar Square (in Patan) which was pretty interesting. Thank god I enjoy seeing Temples and churches etc otherwise I would be in trouble! My guide took me around the square, telling me about the various temples and religions and actually took my into a Hindu Shrine and a Buddhist temple which I would never have seen without the guide. Furthermore, my visit coincided with a special festival that is held once every five years which I would have never found. Sadly, the place was mobbed (which is saying something in Kathmandu) but he took me up to a school roof so I could see the statues. All in all, a good touristy day.
So, enough from me. Everyone is caught up with nail bitingly exciting life (hah! That said, I never promised it would be exciting). So internet picks…
Internet Pick of the Week
Trip Advisor - Yes, I realise that there has been some controversy about this website but I still find it a useful site for planning travel. Covering hotels, restaurants and things to do, it is a great site to get a general idea of where to go and what to do on your trips. It has a lot of information and generally detailed descriptions/reviews. Obviously, the main problem is that everyone will have a different idea of what is good and bad but it does give a good indicator. That said, I tend to use this in conjuction with other sites to plan any trips (as well as books) especially the various '24 hours in' which give a really good overview in each city and often highlight both the common and uncommon things to do in various places.
Sunday Song
Hmm, sort of stuck again...who to choose this week? Sorted. both a great musician and a food. Meatloaf! Enjoy!
Hmm this week was basically just a quick update on my life again, so hopefully it will be a bit more interesting a read. Until then, internet rules are in control.