Ladies and Gentlemen, I am going to start with a confession. As we near the 1000 mark, it is becoming apparent that practising for a marathon in Kathmandu may be more difficult than I expected. Why? Ignoring the extremely uneven pavements, half of which are being dug up, there is the throngs of people, motorbikes driving on the pavement and live wires hanging down to contend with. Fear not, I will keep looking for a place that may be suitable for running and if I don’t find one, I will think of something equally good to do.
Secondly, I fell in mud tonight…It was quite hilarious! Well, I assume it was as it was quite hard to see it where I was sitting. Third, I just looked up from typing and saw a cat casually leaving my flat. Not sure whether to be amused or concerned…little bit of both methinks.
So, what has prompted this second blog in a week? Quite frankly, I have had an awesome week . Tuesday night saw me being invited to a colleague/dinner celebratory dinner which in itself was nice. I met lots of new people and ate some good food. What can be better than that? I DANCED…sober! I am not sure I have done that since my last school dance. It was even Nepalese dance, though I suspect half of the moves I learned were the female dance parts. Oh well, it now means I can convey ‘please come to me’ in dance. This evening also had the unexpected result of me drinking straight vodka for the night as it was a celebration…
So, having filled my social quota for the week, I suddenly found myself at an expat evening on Wednesday. This basically translates to a bunch of 40+ (age) people mingling together. Thankfully, (though everyone was nice) there was a few people closer to my age, including one girl I got talking to who was doing her PhD research out here. That was basically the highlight of the night, though I did get some warm wine, which was a novelty. Meeting said girl also then resulted in an email that linked to me various events around Kathmandu…including Salsa?!?
So, we come uneasily to Thursday…my social cup was overflowing, I had barely been home and my wallet was getting thin. I was on the edge…all I wanted to do was drag my sorry, unshaven self (I will stress I wasn’t hung over, just exhausted) back to my flat and curl up in an anti-sociable ball. I manned up, I still had one more event to finish, and I saved the best for last. Again, PhD girl led me to the event and I am extremely glad she did. I ended up sitting in a small café with a cup of tea and some momos watching a documentary (Life in a day) that was being projected onto the wall. It was bliss, such a nice and simple way to spend a night.
However, my tale does not end there…as I experience the half price bakery sale in Kathmandu. Never have I seen so many people crowded together reaching for cakes. I myself gave up on the refrigerated good and opted to get two chocolate croissants, a weird ball thing and one other odd look thing…about 60p for the lot. Totally worth the mud.
Lazimpat Gallery Cafe - Ok, a bit different from my usual posts as it only really applies to people in Kathmandu but this was where I saw the documentary so I think it deserves a linking!
From the 3rd CD I ever owned and still a brilliant song, Bon Jovi - Dry County
So enough from me, I have to go check to see if I have any more feline intruders...